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AI at PayPal: A Massively Scalable Architecture for Financial Services
Lohit Giri, PayPal Inc | Erik Melander, Astellent
GTC 2020
We'll show what we learned when deploying an AI platform that processes over 250 petabytes of data supporting thousands of PayPal data scientists, engineers, and analysts worldwide. We'll review our platform architecture and how we apply GPUs and advanced AI to domains such as neuro-linguistic programming, computer vision, time-series analysis, and personalization. We'll also review how our platform has changed developer workflows and our view of the future of AI in financial services. With more than 286 million active customer accounts, PayPal is a leader at leveraging data from its unique, closed-loop network of consumers and merchants to benefit its customers. AI offers new opportunities to improve our risk assessment, fraud prevention, and information security while creating differentiated products and experiences.