GTC Silicon Valley-2019: HPC-Powered Workflows for Diagnostics, Therapeutics, and Patient Care
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GTC Silicon Valley-2019 ID:S9993:HPC-Powered Workflows for Diagnostics, Therapeutics, and Patient Care
Andrea Borsic(NE Scientific LLC),Tian Liu(NE Scientific LLC),Hammad Omer(COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan),Andras Wirth(Mediso Ltd.)
We'll discuss how the latest advances GPU technologies have have made it possible to reduce MRI scan time and increase reconstruction accuracy. These advances have added previously unseen capabilities to nuclear medical imaging by simulating photon trajectories with excellent precision and speed. They've also accelerated work in cancer therapy with real-time simulation of the physics of thermal tumor ablation. Learn how we've unleashed the potential of high performance computing and deep learning on GPUs to drive medical imaging innovation.