GTC Silicon Valley-2019: A New PBR Material Serving Mobile, Web, Real-Time Engines and Ray Tracing
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GTC Silicon Valley-2019 ID:S9949:A New PBR Material Serving Mobile, Web, Real-Time Engines and Ray Tracing
Marc Ellens(XRite),Jan Jordan(NVIDIA),Pierre Maheut(Allegorithmic),Jan Meseth(Dassault Systemes)
PBR materials have widely been adopted in real-time rendering engines because of their user-friendliness and high quality. But adoption has been weaker for ray tracing engines because PBR materials do not model effects indispensable for high-quality rendering. Businesses need consistent rendering between real-time and ray tracing engines, especially with the rise of ray tracing in real-time engines via NVIDIA RTX. We'll discuss an extended PBR material that expands the industry-standard PBR GGX. Our talk will cover details of the new material and demonstrate results from Dassault Systemes' OpenGL, WebGL and CUDA-based ray tracing engines. We'll also highlight its use in Allegorithmic Substance designer, XRite AxF, NVIDIA MDL distiller, and Dassault Systemes' software such as 3DEXPERIENCE Platform, SOLIDWORKS Visualize, and 3DEXCITE DELTAGEN.