GTC Silicon Valley-2019: Machine Learning Based Network Fault Management with Streaming Telemetry Data
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GTC Silicon Valley-2019 ID:S9758:Machine Learning Based Network Fault Management with Streaming Telemetry Data
Vladimir Yashin(Cisco)
We'll talk about applying ML/AI to the crucial task of identifying and isolating faults in computer and telecommunications networks. A problem with part or all of a single device can quickly propagate through the network, making it essential to identify a fault before it causes a hardware component to fail. We'll discuss cost-effective expert systems for network monitoring that are designed to minimize the number of service-affecting incidents, while keeping development, personnel, and maintenance costs at an acceptable level. We'll also explain how streaming telemetry enables access to real-time, model-driven, and analytics-ready data that can help with network automation, traffic optimization, and preventive troubleshooting.