GTC Silicon Valley-2019: Reaching Beyond Human Accuracy with AI Datacenters
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GTC Silicon Valley-2019 ID:S9643:Reaching Beyond Human Accuracy with AI Datacenters
Greg Diamos(Baidu)
Learn why deep learning scales so well and how to apply it to important open problems. Deep learning has enabled rapid progress in diverse problems in vision, speech, and beyond. Driving this progress are breakthroughs in algorithms that can harness massive datasets and powerful compute accelerators like GPUs. We'll combine theoretical and experiment insights to help explain why deep learning scales predictably with bigger datasets and faster computers. We'll also show how some problems are relatively easier than others and how to tell the difference. Learn about examples of open problems that cannot be solved by individual computers, but are within reach of the largest machines in the world. We'll also make the case for optimizing data centers to run AI workloads. Finally, we'll outline a high-level architecture for an AI datacenter, and leave you with powerful tools to reach beyond human accuracy to confront some of the hardest open problems in computing.