GTC Silicon Valley-2019: Optimizing Large Reductions in BerkeleyGW with CUDA, OpenACC, OpenMP 4.5 and Kokkos
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GTC Silicon Valley-2019 ID:S9626:Optimizing Large Reductions in BerkeleyGW with CUDA, OpenACC, OpenMP 4.5 and Kokkos
Rahulkumar Gayatri(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory),Charlene Yang(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Learn how to optimize large complex-number reductions in material science code BerkeleyGW on NVIDIA GPUs. Our talk will showcase two BerkeleyGW kernels implemented with four frameworks CUDA, OpenACC, OpenMP 4.5, and Kokkos. We'll share optimization techniques used to achieve decent performance across all four implementations. We'll also report on the status of OpenACC and OpenMP 4.5 compilers and compare the performance portability capabilities of OpenACC, OpenMP 4.5, and Kokkos.