GTC Silicon Valley-2019: Composable Infrastructure for On-Prem Kubernetes-Based Systems
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GTC Silicon Valley-2019 ID:S9572:Composable Infrastructure for On-Prem Kubernetes-Based Systems
Subrahmanyam Ongole(One Convergence)
Learn how to create distributed, composable resource pools for your on-prem or bare metal Kubernetes-based system. This helps developers determine the most effective use of resources like GPUs, networking, and storage, and enables a dynamically balanced system in which compute power is available where it's needed. We'll describe a heterogeneous, distributed architecture based on Kubernetes that takes system resources from different system nodes in a cluster and gathers them in resource pools. The architecture partitions the resources into pools, which are securely and dynamically allocated to groups of users. Devices within the pools are assigned on demand and released back into the pool when done. We'll provide an overview of how containerized applications operate, including the challenges of distributed composability in these systems. We'll also explain how to effectively allocate and share scarce, expensive devices among competing uses.