GTC Silicon Valley-2019: VTK-m: Lessons from Building a Visualization Toolkit for Massively Threaded Architectures
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GTC Silicon Valley-2019 ID:S9458:VTK-m: Lessons from Building a Visualization Toolkit for Massively Threaded Architectures
Robert Maynard(Kitware, Inc)
We'll discuss the VTK-m project, an HPC library for scientific visualization algorithms, and describe how it changed over the past three years. Part of the Exascale Computing Project, VTK-m is designed around fine-grained concurrency and an abstraction between the low-level hardware architectures and the data-parallel high-level code. This allows developers to write small worklets that can be executed on any hardware. We'll examine significant performance and development lessons learned since the VTK-m project began and talk about the challenges we see ahead.