GTC Silicon Valley-2019: Design Decisions with Large AEC Scenes and Advanced Realistic Materials in VR
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GTC Silicon Valley-2019 ID:S9388:Design Decisions with Large AEC Scenes and Advanced Realistic Materials in VR
Javier Glatt(CADMakers),Stephan Ritz(Dassault Systemes)
Large AEC projects involve complex structure design and validation tools but also benefit from High-end Visualization and VR for proper scale-one immersion and volume apprehension. CADMakers has been one of the very early adopters of Dassault Systèmes 3DEXPERIENCE that combines the legacy of over 20 years of CATIA CAD excellence with advanced rendering materials support and native VR immersion without the need to use other external tools. This presentation will provide an unique inside view into todays and future possibilities of decision making in building design, leveraging the power of integrated Virtual Reality and Visualization experiences that happen directly in the CAD software tools of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. The talk will present some of the latest GPU intensive 3DEXPERIENCE platform achievements at CADMakers, including how the platform is being used for building construction simulation, visual High-End Material validation for realistic AEC design review but also actual VR usages showing the different graphics performance gains obtained with large AEC projects, as well as how VR SLI allows enabling 90FPS immersion for multi-user multi-location VR reviews. Talk will be presented with actual AEC dataset used by CADMakers for some of their buildings designed with 3DEXPERIENCE.