GTC Silicon Valley-2019: Building and managing scalable AI infrastructure with NVIDIA DGX POD and DGX Pod Management software
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GTC Silicon Valley-2019 ID:S9334:Building and managing scalable AI infrastructure with NVIDIA DGX POD and DGX Pod Management software
Andrew Bull(NVIDIA),Jacci Cenci(NVIDIA),Darrin Johnson(NVIDIA),Sumit Kumar(NVIDIA)
Do you have a GPU cluster or air-gapped environment that you are responsible for but don't have an HPC background? NVIDIA DGX POD is a new way of thinking about AI infrastructure, combining DGX servers with networking and storage to accelerate AI workflow deployment and time to insight. We'll discuss lessons learned about building, deploying, and managing AI infrastructure at scale from design to deployment to management and monitoring. We will show how the DGX Pod Management software (DeepOps) along with our storage partner reference-architectures can be used for the deployment and management of multi-node GPU clusters for Deep Learning and HPC environments, in an on-premise, optionally air-gapped datacenter. The modular nature of the software also allows experienced administrators to pick and choose items that may be useful, making the process compatible with their existing software or infrastructure.