GTC Silicon Valley-2019: Porting MURaM (Max Planck University of Chicago Radiative MHD) to GPUs Using OpenACC
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GTC Silicon Valley-2019 ID:S9288:Porting MURaM (Max Planck University of Chicago Radiative MHD) to GPUs Using OpenACC
Sunita Chandrasekaran(University of Delaware),Richard Loft(National Center for Atmospheric Research),Eric Wright(University of Delaware)
We'll discuss the Max Planck/University of Chicago Radiative MHD code (MURaM), the primary model for simulating the sun's upper convection zone, its surface, and the corona. Accelerating MURaM allows physicists to interpret high-resolution solar observations. We'll describe the programmatic challenges and optimization techniques we employed while using the OpenACC programming model to accelerate MURaM on GPUs and multicore architectures. We will also examine what we learned and how it could be broadly applied on atmospheric applications that demonstrate radiation-transport methods.