GTC-DC 2019: Build Today, Fly Tomorrow: How Lockheed Martin is Transforming and Modernizing Aircraft Manufacturing with Amazon Web Service (Presented by AWS)
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GTC-DC 2019: Build Today, Fly Tomorrow: How Lockheed Martin is Transforming and Modernizing Aircraft Manufacturing with Amazon Web Service (Presented by AWS)
We’ll explain how Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Lockheed Martin are partnering to digitally transform the effective use of the industrial internet of things (IIoT), and use cloud technologies to generate models for better decisions. Lockheed Martin has created the defense industry’s first intelligent factory that uses cloud services and emerging technologies to increase visibility of physical and logical production through a product’s life cycle. It improves overall equipment effectiveness and capacity planning for multiple lines of business. We’ll discuss how the intelligent factory was created using IoT tools such as AWS Greengrass and AWS IoT Core in GovCloud, and the cybersecurity implications of connecting factories to the cloud. We’ll also share the agile DevOps methodologies, talent, and skills that Lockheed Martin and AWS used to create and maintain a successful intelligent factory.