Rodrigo Aramburu, BlazingSQL; Felipe Aramburu, BlazingSQL; William Malpica, BlazingSQL; William Malpica, BlazingSQL
gtc-dc 2019
We’ll present BlazingSQL, RAPIDS’ open source SQL engine. BlazingSQL eliminates the need to build and deploy a database, enabling users to fully integrate high-performance SQL into their RAPIDS workflows.It’s built entirely on the GPU Apache Arrow standard that underpins the RAPIDS ecosystem and the primitives underneath the cuDF and cuIO libraries. BlazingSQL supports a myriad of data sources. Users can query Apache Parquet and JSON in a data lake with in-memory data sources like Apache Arrow or Pandas in a single, intuitive, SQL query that feeds machine learning, deep learning, or graph workloads. We'll launch and run a series of BlazingSQL workloads distributed on a multi-GPU cluster.