Installation Using DRIVE OS Local Debian Packages


Prior to installation of DRIVE OS local repo Debian packages, ensure the Ubuntu host apt database is clear of any errors. The following command returns a non-zero value when there are issues. Fix all issues before proceeding with the install steps.

sudo apt update
echo $?
Note: Proceeding with a non-zero value may result in install errors.

Install the Local Debian Packages

Download from NVONLINE:
  1. Log into NVONLINE with your NVIDIA Partner Account. If you do not have an NVONLINE account, contact your NVIDIA representative.
  2. Find the DRIVE OS Linux 6.0 PDK group.
  3. The downloaded local repo contains the local repo Debian package and extra Debian packages that are available to be installed outside of the local repo.
  4. The local repo Debian package has the following format:

    Select the “Download All” button to download all Debian packages simultaneously.

Setting Up DRIVE OS Linux

The installation steps for Debian package local repo:
  1. To install the local Debian package repo, use dpkg.

    If using SDK Local Debian package repo:

    sudo dpkg -i ./nv-driveos-repo-<SDK>-<OS>-<RELEASE>-<BUILD>-<GCID>_amd64.deb
  2. Run apt update to refresh the APT cache:
    sudo apt update 2>&1 | tee apt_update.log
  3. Install top-level DRIVE OS SDK Debian packages:
    export NV_WORKSPACE=/path/where/SDK/needs/to/be/installed

    If using SDK Local Debian package repo:

    sudo -E apt -f -y install nv-driveos-build-<SDK>-<OS>-<RELEASE>-<GCID> 2>&1 | tee nv-driveos-build-<SDK>-<OS>-<RELEASE>-<GCID>_install.log

Uninstalling Local Repo Debian Packages

If you have previously installed DRIVE OS, the existing DRIVE OS must first be uninstalled. This helps maintain content integrity and to avoid any conflicts. To remove or uninstall:

sudo -E apt-get -y --purge remove "nv-driveos*"
sudo apt-get -y autoremove
Optional step: The DRIVE OS Debian Package uninstall does not remove any data from $NV_WORKSPACE. If you want to remove the data:
sudo rm -rf $NV_WORKSPACE


For troubleshooting support, contact your support engineer or post your question(s) on the NVIDIA Developer Forum.