Ubuntu Setup (Target)

NVIDIA DRIVE provides and supports the ubuntu-based file system. This file system is suited for small to medium embedded target systems based on NVIDIA® Tegra® processors.

ubuntu-Based File System

The ubuntu-based file system is intended to be used for software development because it has immense flexibility to quickly add required 3rd party pre-built packages from Internet-based PPA servers.

Ubuntu Upstream Components Unused by DRIVE OS Linux SDK Filesystem

The DRIVE OS Linux SDK filesystems (based on Ubuntu-20.04) has components from upstream that are unused and inapplicable for DRIVE OS Linux. The following components are unused due to the reasons mentioned below.
  1. Upower: Upower daemon is used for power management in Linux. The DRIVE OS Linux guest OS does not have control for power management and is controlled by AURIX.
  2. Pulseaudio: DRIVE OS Linux does not support pulseaudio and has alternatives for audio.
  3. Alsa: DRIVE OS Linux does not support pulseaudio and has alternatives for audio.
  4. apt-daily: Apt-daily is disabled in DRIVE OS Linux SDK filesystems to prevent automatic updates of packages in the filesystem because the baseline filesystem has been quality tested and delivered.
  5. isc-dhcp-server: DHCP server is disabled because all documented SDK workflows use the target as a DHCP client.
  6. network-manager: DRIVE OS Linux supports networking using systemd-networkd instead of network-manager.
  7. ondemand.service: DRIVE OS Linux does not support CPU governer with ondemand policy.