DriveWorks SDK Reference
5.18.10 Release
For Test and Development only

Simple Sensor Recording Sample


The Simple Sensor Recording Sample allows you to record data from CAN, GPS, RADAR or LIDAR sensors.

Running the Sample

The syntax for calling the simple sensor recording sample is:

./sample_record --can-driver=[can.socket]


    Specifies which CAN interface to use.
    Default value: can.socket

    Different parameters are available for each CAN driver.
    Default value: none

    Specifies which GPS driver to use.
    Default value: gps.uart

    Different parameters are available for each GPS driver.
    Default value: none

    Specifies which Lidar driver to use.
    Default value: lidar.socket

    Different parameters are available for each Lidar driver.
    Default value: none

    Specifies which Radar driver to use.
    Default value: radar.socket

    Different parameters are available for each Radar driver.
    Default value: none

    Path where the recorded GPS data is going to be stored.
    Default value: none

    Path where the recorded CANBUS data is going to be stored.
    Default value: none

    Path where the recorded Lidar data is going to be stored.
    Default value: none

    Path where the recorded Radar data is going to be stored.
    Default value: none
For a full list of key/value pairs that can be passed to –[sensor]-params see Sensor Enumeration Sample.


Recording CAN

  • Set --can-driver to can.socket.
  • Set --can-params to device=can0 where can0 is the can device to live record.
  • Set --write-file-can=filename.bin to the recorded output file, where filename.bin is the output file for CAN data.

Thus, to record data from a can sensor, the following command would be used:

./sample_record --can-driver=can.socket --can-params=device=can0 --write-file-can=/path/to/outputfile.bin

Recording GPS

GPS takes command-line options that are similar to the CAN options.

For example, the command line for recording GPS data from a UART GPS sensor is:

./sample_record --gps-driver=gps.uart --gps-params=device=/dev/ttyACM0 --write-file-gps=/path/to/outputfile.bin

Recording LIDAR

  • Set --lidar-protocol to lidar.socket
  • Set --lidar-params to appropriate values depending on your device. Supported devices are listed in Lidar Replay Sample

For example, the command line for recording lidar data:

./sample_record --lidar-protocol=lidar.socket --lidar-params=device=[device],ip=[lidar IP address],dip=[IP address of UDP packet receiver],port=[lidar port],hres=[valid horizontal resolution],scan-frequency=[valid frequency] --write-file-lidar=/path/to/lidaroutput.bin
  • dip (Destination IP Address) is applicable only for device HESAI_P_128_V4P5
  • hres (Horizontal Resolution) is applicable only for device HESAI_P_128_V4P5

Recording RADAR

  • Set --radar-protocol to radar.socket
  • Set --radar-params to appropriate values depending on your device. Supported devices are listed in Radar Replay Sample

For example, the command line for recording GPS data from a UART GPS sensor is:

./sample_record --radar-protocol=radar.socket --radar-params=device=[device],ip=[radar IP address],port=[radar port],scan-frequency=[valid frequency] --write-file-radar=/path/to/radaroutput.bin
If the radar being used is the Continental ARS430 ethernet radar, see to the prerequisite section in Radar Replay Sample .

Recording Mixed Sensor Types

Different types of sensors can be combined. For example, the command for recording live GPS and LIDAR data is:

./sample_record --gps-driver=gps.uart --gps-params=device=/dev/ttyACM0 --write-file-gps=/path/to/gpsoutput.bin --lidar-protocol=lidar.socket \
--lidar-params=device=[device],ip=[lidar IP address],port=[lidar port],scan-frequency=[valid frequency] --write-file-lidar=/path/to/lidaroutput.bin
- This sample creates output files that, per default, are put into the current working directory. Hence, write permissions to the current working directory are necessary if the output file arguments are not changed.
- Recording virtual sensors is not supported.

Additional Information

For more details see Sensors.