DriveWorks SDK Reference
5.18.10 Release
For Test and Development only

DriveWorks Info Tool

This is a simple tool to output Driveworks information, such as the current version, as an easily parsable JSON format.


Usage: dw_info [-h] [-v] [-d] [-b] [-p] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]

A version checking tool that checks the build info

optional arguments: -h, –help show this help message and exit -v, –version major_minor_patch_hash_extra -d, –description source control description -b, –build-id CI build ID -p, –pdk BUILD PDK -o OUTPUT_JSON, –output-json OUTPUT_JSON specify the output file (Json)

Run the tool by executing:


and you will get an output similiar to this:

"version": {
"PDK": "",
"build ID": "",
"description": "xxxx",
"extra": "",
"hash": "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff",
"major": "5",
"minor": "12",
"patch": "-1"