DriveWorks SDK Reference
5.14.77 Release
For Test and Development only

Core Logger

Detailed Description

Processes wide logger API.

Unless explicitly specified, all errors returned by DriveWorks APIs are non recoverable and the user application should transition to fail safe mode. In addition, any error code not described in this documentation should be consider as fatal and the user application should also transition to fail safe mode.

Data Structures

struct  dwLoggerMessage


typedef struct dwContextObject const * dwConstContextHandle_t
typedef struct dwContextObject * dwContextHandle_t
typedef void(* dwLogCallback) (dwContextHandle_t context, dwLoggerVerbosity type, char8_t const *msg)
 Defines a user callback method called by the SDK to log the output. More...
typedef void(* dwLoggerCallback) (dwLoggerMessage const *msg)
 Defines a user callback method called by the SDK to log the output with meta-data. More...


enum  dwLoggerVerbosity {
  DW_LOG_DEBUG = 1 << 12 ,
  DW_LOG_INFO = 1 << 13 ,
  DW_LOG_WARN = (1 << 14) - 4096 ,
  DW_LOG_ERROR = 1 << 14 ,
  DW_LOG_FATAL = (1 << 14) + (1 << 12) ,
  DW_LOG_SILENT = (1 << 15) - 4096
 Holds the verbosity level. More...


DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwLogger_enableTimestamps (bool const enabled)
 Enable or disable logging of timestamps before each message. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwLogger_initialize (dwLogCallback msgCallback)
 Creates a new logger instance. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwLogger_initializeExtended (dwLoggerCallback msgCallback)
 Creates a new logger instance that provides meta-data with the message. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwLogger_log (dwConstContextHandle_t const context, dwLoggerVerbosity const verbosity, char8_t const *const msg)
 Logs message. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwLogger_logExtended (const dwLoggerMessage *msg)
 Logs message. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwLogger_release (void)
 Release logger instance and free up used memory. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwLogger_setLogLevel (dwLoggerVerbosity const verbosity)
 Sets the verbosity level of the logger instance. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwLogger_setThreadId (char8_t const *threadId)
 Set the name of the current thread that will be returned when using extended logger. More...

Data Structure Documentation

◆ dwLoggerMessage

struct dwLoggerMessage
Data Fields
char8_t const * fileName file name from where message was logged
int32_t lineNum line number where log originated from
char8_t const * msg message to log
char8_t const * tag name used to group related logs
char8_t const * threadId identifier for thread
dwLoggerVerbosity verbosity how severe is the log

Typedef Documentation

◆ dwConstContextHandle_t

typedef struct dwContextObject const* dwConstContextHandle_t

Definition at line 69 of file Logger.h.

◆ dwContextHandle_t

typedef struct dwContextObject* dwContextHandle_t

Definition at line 67 of file Logger.h.

◆ dwLogCallback

typedef void(* dwLogCallback) (dwContextHandle_t context, dwLoggerVerbosity type, char8_t const *msg)

Defines a user callback method called by the SDK to log the output.

[in]contextDeprecated context pointer, set to DW_NULL_HANDLE. Should not be used
[in]typeSpecifies the type of message being logged.
[in]msgA pointer to the message.

Definition at line 88 of file Logger.h.

◆ dwLoggerCallback

typedef void(* dwLoggerCallback) (dwLoggerMessage const *msg)

Defines a user callback method called by the SDK to log the output with meta-data.

[in]msgA struct containing message and meta-data

Definition at line 95 of file Logger.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ dwLoggerVerbosity

Holds the verbosity level.


Log everything; default log level.


Log Debug information.


Log Notice information.


Log Warning information.


Log Error information.


Log Fatal information which cause premature termination.


Log nothing.

Definition at line 63 of file LoggerDefs.h.

Function Documentation

◆ dwLogger_enableTimestamps()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwLogger_enableTimestamps ( bool const  enabled)

Enable or disable logging of timestamps before each message.

dwLogger is initialized with timestamps enabled.

[in]enabledWhether to log timestamps (true) or not (false).
DW_SUCCESS always.

◆ dwLogger_initialize()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwLogger_initialize ( dwLogCallback  msgCallback)

Creates a new logger instance.

The initialization behavior of the logger is as follows. If the logger is initialized with dwLogger_initializeExtended, then the dwLoggerCallback provided to that function will be used. If the logger is initialized with dwLogger_initialize, then the dwLogCallback provided to that function will be used. If the logger is initialized with both functions, then the function provided to dwLogger_initializeExtended will take precedence

[in]msgCallbackSpecifies the callback method used by the SDK to pass log messages. It must be thread-safe.
Return values
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENTif msgCallback is NULL. Provide a valid input parameter.
DW_FAILUREif the logger verbosity is invalid. Provide a valid verbosity level.

◆ dwLogger_initializeExtended()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwLogger_initializeExtended ( dwLoggerCallback  msgCallback)

Creates a new logger instance that provides meta-data with the message.

The initialization behavior of the logger is as follows. If the logger is initialized with dwLogger_initializeExtended, then the dwLoggerCallback provided to that function will be used. If the logger is initialized with dwLogger_initialize then the dwLogCallback provided to that function will be used. If the logger is initialized with both functions, then the function provided to dwLogger_initializeExtended will take precedence

[in]msgCallbackSpecifies the callback method used by the SDK to pass log messages. It must be thread-safe.
Return values
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENTif msgCallback is NULL. Provide a valid input parameter.
DW_FAILUREif the logger verbosity is invalid. Provide a valid verbosity level.

◆ dwLogger_log()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwLogger_log ( dwConstContextHandle_t const  context,
dwLoggerVerbosity const  verbosity,
char8_t const *const  msg 

Logs message.

if an extended callback has been initialized then it will return default values for parameters not provided
tag will be "NO_TAG"
fileName will be ""
lineNum will be 0
threadId will be ""

[in]contextSpecifies the DriveWorks context that generated this message.
[in]verbositySpecifies the verbosity level to use.
[in]msgSpecifies message which is to be logged.
Return values
DW_FAILUREif verbosity parameter is not inside the dwLoggerVerbosity enum OR if msg is a null pointer.
DW_SUCCESSif no issues are encountered.

◆ dwLogger_logExtended()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwLogger_logExtended ( const dwLoggerMessage msg)

Logs message.

[in]msgSpecifies message to be logged with additional meta-data
Return values
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENTif verbosity is invalid
DW_FAILUREif the function clock_gettime() fails

◆ dwLogger_release()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwLogger_release ( void  )

Release logger instance and free up used memory.

DW_SUCCESS always.

◆ dwLogger_setLogLevel()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwLogger_setLogLevel ( dwLoggerVerbosity const  verbosity)

Sets the verbosity level of the logger instance.

Any messages with higher or equal verbosity level is forwarded to the logger callback.

[in]verbositySpecifies the verbosity level to use.
Return values
DW_INVALID_ARGUMENTif verbosity is invalid. Provide a valid verbosity level.

◆ dwLogger_setThreadId()

DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwLogger_setThreadId ( char8_t const *  threadId)

Set the name of the current thread that will be returned when using extended logger.

Thread id should be set prior to calling any other DW function to avoid confusion
If this function is not called the logger uses an incrementing counter by default
Truncates after 64 characters

[in]threadIdSpecifies name of the current thread
Return values