DriveWorks SDK Reference
5.14.77 Release
For Test and Development only

Porting Guide from SDK 5.0 to SDK 5.2

This document will help you port your applications from DriveWorks SDK 5.0 to DriveWorks SDK 5.2.

Camera Models

Following APIs have been modified:


Following APIs have been modified:

Calibration Engine

The parameter enableOdometryPropertyEstimation in dwCalibrationRadarParams has been separated into two parameters as follows:

  • enableSpeedFactorEstimation: indicates if speed factor calibration is enabled.
  • enableWheelRadiiEstimation: indicates if wheel radii calibration is enabled.

The parameter radarProperties has been added to dwCalibrationRadarParams struct.

  • It is a pointer to the radar properties and must be set before calibration engine is initialized.

The parameter lidarProperties has been added to dwCalibrationLidarParams struct.

  • It is a pointer to the lidar properties and must be set before calibration engine is initialized.

Following API has been modified:


This release has updated the behavior of the API dwFeature2DDetector_initDefaultParams to provide different default parameters based on the image resolution if dwFeature2DDetectorConfig.imageWidth/.imageHeight is set before the API call.

This release has updated the behavior of dwFeature2DDetector. The unique feature id will be generated regardless of the value of dwFeature2DDetectorConfig.autoGenerateFeatureID. To avoid confusion, the parameter's default value is updated to true. The parameter will be removed in the next major release.


This release has updated the behavior of the API dwFeature2DTracker_initDefaultParams to provide different default parameters based on the image resolution if dwFeature2DTrackerConfig.imageWidth/.imageHeight is set before the API call.

Sensor Manager

The default behavior to group all virtual cameras into a single camera group has been changed to associated each virtual camera with an individual camera group. The previous behavior can be enabled with the new dwSensorManagerParams.singleVirtualCameraGroup parameter.