Command Line Switches

The application’s command syntax is:

./nvm_ide_sci [switches]
Required Commands

Required Switches

The following table describes the required command line switches:

Switch Description
-c <codec_type>

Specifies the codec type. You can specify the type with an integer or a string:

  • 1 or mpeg: MPEG
  • 2 or mpeg4: MPEG-4
  • 3 or vc1: VC1
  • 4 or h264: H.264
  • 5 or vp8: VP8
  • 6 or h265: H265
  • 7 or vp9: VP9
  • 8 or av1 : AV1 (Orin T234 and higher chips only)
-f <input_file> Specifies the input file to decode.

Other Switches

The following table describes the optional command line switches:

Switch Description Default
-t Displays decode timing information. Default: Not displayed. Information is not displayed.
-n <frames> Specifies the minimum number of frames to decode. In some cases, however, specifying this option might show a false CRC mismatch issue toward the end of the frame number specified using the -n option. Decodes the whole stream.
-s <output_file> Specifies the output YUV file name. No file is written.

AV1 Decode specific option for SVC streams only , for choosing operating point 0

AV1 Decode specific options for SVC streams, to Display all Decoded frames or only Highest Layer Enhancement layer.

-id <instance_id> Specifies the nvdec instance ID to use for decoding. The value can be 0 or 1. 0
-annexBStream AV1 codec-specific option to indicate that the input Bitstream is in AnnexB format. 0
-a <aspect_ratio> Specifies the video stream’s aspect ratio. N/A
-v <level>

Specifies the logging level. The value can be:

  • 0: Errors
  • 1: Warnings
  • 2: Info
  • 3: Debug
-h Prints help text for the application.
-crc <gen/chk> Enable CRC checks (chk) or generate CRC file (gen) False
-crcpath <path> Path for crc of the picture Null
-cropcrc CRC will be calculated on actual resolution False