Altimesh Hybridizer
Altimesh Hybridizer is an advanced productivity tool that generates vectorized C++ source code (AVX) and CUDA C source code from .NET assemblies (MSIL) or Java archives (java bytecode). In managed development environments, developers can use virtual functions and generics, yet make efficient use of the GPU's compute capabilities, with ~80% usage of peak performance of processors and memory. From a single version of the source code, developers can debug and execute on both CPU and CUDA GPU, within your favorite development environment, by stepping into original source code (.NET or Java). Applications can be profiled using state of the art solutions such as VTUNE and Nsight, referencing locations in the original source code.
Key features
- Source code generation from Java or .NET binaries (Java bytecode / MSIL bytecode)
- Full debugging /profiling integration with NVIDIA Nsight for Visual Studio Edition
- Support of virtual functions, generics – mapped onto C++ templates for optimal performances
- Single version of the input targeting GPU and CPU with near-optimal performance (automatic vectorization)
- Code generation agnostic of operating system: e.g. develop in dot net on windows, debug GPU code in Nsight Visual Studio Edition, deploy on linux in a Java system
- Non-intrusive environment: Hybridizer is attribute/annotations based, hence the solution will still run without it, probably slower

Intuitive Interface

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Please contact Altimesh for availability and licensing information.
Additional Resources
Presentation about Hydridizer by Altimesh at GTC 2014 : GTC 2014 - ID S4376
Presentation by BNPParibas using the tool in a risk management application at GTC 2013 : GTC 2013 - ID S3374